6th Annual Oil & Gas
Dodgeball Tournament
Rules of Play
~ Teams consist of 5 players; Single Elimination Play
~ There are 2 referees, which are stationed at the end of the centerline, that help facilitate the game. Referees start the game, confirm hits and catches, and count ball possession time. Referees have final call in all contested plays. If referees miss a play, or if a definitive ruling cannot be made, it will go by the honor system. If the player is uncertain, then it defaults to “when in doubt, you are out”.
~ There are 6 balls, split into 2 even groups near the ends of the centerline. During the opening rush (when the game starts), you may only grab the balls to your right.
~ A thrown ball can only hit out 1 player. Thrown balls that hit the ground, the wall, other balls or other objects before hitting the opponent are considered dead balls, and are ineligible to hit players out.
~ You are out if:
You step on or over a side or center line
A thrown live ball hits your body
You throw a live ball and it is caught by an opponent
~ You may block a thrown ball with a held ball. However, if you drop the blocking ball during the act of blocking, or if you fail to make a clean block (as in the thrown ball still ends up hitting or grazing your body) you are out.
~ You can only hold a ball for 10 seconds. Afterwards, it will be considered dead. Dead balls need to be rolled over immediately to the other team.
~ If the game comes down to 1 player per side, they have 10 seconds to hit each other out. The first player to get the other player out wins.
Have fun, shake hands, make friends and be spirited!